These resources are written exclusively to help you as an event professional expand your expertise. Dive in, explore, and take your event plan to the next level—without spending a penny! You can read each online or download the pdf to share with your team.
Stop Wasting Money on Events
David Preston. CEO and Co-Founder of Realise
How 5 Simple Steps Deliver a Welcoming Event Experience
The words you choose and how you design your “Welcome” lobby can create confusion or, with a few simple steps, a much better experience for attendees.
Five tips to take you from data to discovery
Richard John, chief operations officer, Realise, lists five ways to utilise data for more event success.
Five registration recommendations
Richard John, chief operations officer, Realise, details five misconceptions about how we perceive the role of registration at events.
Disasters waiting to happen
In the light of recent news, Richard John, Realise’s COO reflects on some event mishaps:
Presenting in the virtual world
Richard John, COO, Realise, shares some quick tips to help eventprofs successfully move from speaking on a stage, to speaking to an online event audience.
I'll be the judge of that
What makes an awards entry a winner? By David Preston, CEO, Realise
6 Tips for Presenting for Impact
Richard John, COO, Realise, encourages eventprofs to make the beginning of their presentations impactful and bespoke
What event professionals can learn from the Pharmaceutical Code
By David Preston, CEO, Realise and Kim Smith, Compliance Director, Realise