Health and Safety Policy

Last reviewed 25/6/2018


Everything Training Consultants Ltd (ETC) recognises its health and safety duties under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 and associated regulations that have followed the original Act.

It is the policy of ETC to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all our staff and learners on training programmes and for members of the public or contractors visiting our premises.

To this end, we will, so far as is reasonably practicable:

  • Provide a working environment, equipment and systems of work, which are free from hazard and without risk to health, on our own premises or on premises that have been approved by delivery staff trained up to IOSH standards to risk assess the hazards within the workplace.
  • Managers at all levels of ETC will be responsible and accountable for visible and proactive leadership in implementing this policy.
  • Make arrangements for ensuring safety and absence of risks to health about the use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances and for providing comprehensive information about risks and precautions.
  • Provide such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of staff and others.
  • Set annual targets for health and safety performance, including targets for learners in achieving safe learner status.
  • Ensure that the premises under ETC’s control are maintained safely and without risk to health and with adequate access and egress (in and out) of the premises.
  • Make adequate arrangements and facilities for the welfare of employees at work and, if appropriate, health surveillance.
  • Provide and maintain arrangements for the emergency evacuation of premises in case of fire or another emergency.
  • Conduct accident investigations to establish the causes of accidents using Accident reporting flow chart. The Welsh Placements use the Welsh Reporting of incidents Dangerous occurrence and Disease Procedure.
  • and implement such corrective action as is necessary to eliminate or reduce risk to the lowest practicable
  • Implement, monitor and review such systems and procedures as are necessary to ensure that health, safety and welfare performance strives for continuous improvement to achieve best practice in all aspects of the organization’s activities.
  • This policy and associated procedures, guidance and documentation will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure their accuracy and relevance.
  • Make available to all employees’ details of all risk assessment carried out.
  • Control the activities of all subcontractors carrying out work on its behalf and ensure that these subcontracted activities do not adversely affect the health and safety of the Company’s employees, customers or other individuals.


The person with overall and final responsibility for health and safety in ETC is David Preston. The Director will ensure the necessary resources are available e.g. staff, funds and materials to implement the company’s health and safety policy.

The Director will be assisted by the Board, Managers and the Health and Safety representative, who will all be responsible for ensuring the day-to-day implementation of the policy in their areas of operation.

The Health and Safety representative will deputise for the Directors where necessary.

While the management of ETC will do all that is within its powers to ensure the health and safety of its employees and learners, it is recognised that health and safety at work is the responsibility of everyone associated with the company.

It is the duty of each employee and learner to take reasonable care of their own and other people’s safety and welfare and to report any hazards or situations which may pose a threat to the well-being of themselves or any other person.

The management of ETC will ensure that every employee and learner receives the training necessary to carry out his or her tasks safely. However, if an employee or learner is unsure how to perform a certain task or feels it would be dangerous to perform a specific task, then it is the employee’s and learner’s duty to report this to their supervisor. It is every employee’s and learner’s responsibility to report immediately any situation which could jeopardize the well-being of themselves or any other person.

Staff and learners also have a responsibility to report all accidents, injuries and incidents, however minor, whether occurring at ETC’s premises or employer’s premises. Accident records are crucial to the effective monitoring and revision of the policy and must therefore be accurate and comprehensive.

Monitoring and auditing compliance of the policy’s implementation will be carried out by the Health and Safety representative and the Director on a regular basis.


Communication between employees at all levels is an essential part of effective health and safety management. Regular Departmental Meetings will provide a forum in which information may be conveyed and employee’s questions on health and safety issues answered. In addition, monthly Management Meetings will provide an opportunity to assess the continuing effectiveness of the policy.


The management of ETC will endeavour to communicate to employees and learners their commitment to safety and to ensure that employees and learners are familiar with the contents of the ETC health and safety policy.


If we are to build and maintain a healthy and safe working environment, co-operation between employees and learners at all levels is essential.

All employees and learners are expected to co-operate with safety officers and to accept their duties under this policy. Disciplinary action may be taken against any employee and learner who violates safety rules or who fails to perform his or her duties under this policy.

Employees and learners have a duty to take all reasonable steps to preserve and protect the health and safety of themselves and all other people affected by the operations of the company.


Safety training is regarded as an indispensable ingredient of an effective health and safety programme. It is essential that every employee and learner be trained to perform his or her job effectively and safely. It is the opinion of the management of ETC that if a job is not done safely then it is not done effectively.

ETC will ensure that all employees and learners will be trained in safe working practices and procedures prior to starting any new position. Training will include advice on the use and maintenance of personal protective equipment appropriate to the task concerned and the formulation of emergency procedures.

Training sessions will be held as often as is deemed necessary and will provide another opportunity for employees and learners to express and concerns they might have about their jobs.


It is the policy of ETC to comply with the requirements of the Workplace (Health, Safety & Welfare) Regulations 1992.

Regular inspections of the workplace will be carried out by the appropriate Managers, Health and Safety representative and the Director. In addition, inspections, will be conducted in the relevant areas whenever there are significant changes in the nature and / or scale of our operations.

Workplace inspections will also provide an opportunity to review the continuing effectiveness of the policy and to identify areas where revision of the policy may be necessary.


It is the policy of ETC to comply with the requirements of the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.

ETC will endeavour to ensure that all equipment used in the workplace is safe and suitable for the purpose for which it is used.

ETCwill ensure that all employees and learners are provided with adequate information and training to enable them to use work equipment safely.

The use of any work equipment which could pose a risk to the well being of persons in or around the workplace will be restricted to authorised persons.

All work equipment will be maintained in good working order and repair, and records maintained of all servicing and statutory inspections.

ETC will ensure that all employees and learners will be provided with such protection as is adequate to protect them from dangers occasioned by the use of work equipment.

All work equipment will be clearly marked with health and safety warnings where appropriate.


It is the policy of ETC to comply with the requirements of the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992.

ETC will ensure that all employees and learners who may be exposed to a risk to their health and safety while at work will be provided with suitable, properly fitting and effective personal protective equipment.

All personal protective equipment provided by ETC will be properly assessed prior to its provision and will be maintained in good working order.

All employees provided with personal protective equipment by ETC will receive comprehensive training and information on the use, maintenance and purpose of the equipment.



It is the policy of ETC to comply with the requirements the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992.

ETC will conduct health and safety assessments of all workstations staffed by employees who use display screen equipment as part of their usual work and will ensure that all workstations meet the requirements of the regulations.

Eyesight tests will be provided for display screen equipment users on request.

Where necessary, display screen equipment screen users will be provided with the basic necessary corrective equipment such as glasses or contact lenses.

All display screen equipment screen users will be allowed regular breaks from the screen and be provided with appropriate and adequate training on the health and safety aspects of this type of work. Additional training and information will be provided whenever the organisation of the workstation is substantially modified.


It is the policy of ETC to comply with the European Directive on Pregnant Workers.

In addition to the general risk assessment, a further assessment of risk to new or expectant mothers will be conducted. Where a risk to new or expectant mothers is identified, working conditions and / or working hours will be adjusted to avoid the risk. Where this is not reasonable the employee(s) concerned will be suspended from work on full pay.


ETC’s fire safety policy and procedures take account of special fire hazards in specific areas of the workplace.

The fire risk assessment will identify the measures necessary to comply with current fire safety and prevention codes and to ensure that fire hazards are either eliminated or strictly controlled.

The Directors are responsible for the provision and maintenance of fire prevention and detection equipment. All equipment will be regularly inspected and tested and records will be maintained.

All employees within the firm have a duty to report immediately any fire, smoke or potential fire hazards to the fire service (dial 999) and to comply with fire precautions and procedures.

All employees and learners have a duty to conduct their operations in such a way as to minimise the risk of fire. This involves keeping combustible materials separate from sources of ignition and avoiding unnecessary accumulation of combustible materials.

Fire extinguishers are located at strategic points throughout the workplace. Employees and learners must not attempt to tackle a fire themselves, unless they have received training in the safe use of fire extinguishers and by doing so they are not putting themselves or others at risk. If the situation is dangerous or potentially dangerous the employee should activate the alarm and evacuate the building immediately.

Fire doors designed to slow the spread of fire and smoke throughout the workplace have been installed at strategic points. Fire doors are designed to close automatically after opening and must never be obstructed or wedged open.

Exit doors and corridors must never be locked, blocked or used as storage space.

Emergency lighting has been installed in exit corridors, above emergency exit doors and throughout the workplace in case of power failure to ensure a safe evacuation in areas where there is insufficient natural lighting or there are significant hazards.


Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the workplace. Any member of staff or learner found smoking on company premises will be disciplined




It is the policy of ETC to comply with DCELLS H&S Code of Practice Requirements and the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013 (RIDDOR 2013).

ETC sees accident investigation as a valuable tool in the prevention of future incidents and to inform any relevant risk assessment. An accident book will be available at all Outsource premises and confidential records maintained and held.

Any reportable accidents, diseases or dangerous occurrences will be reported to the enforcing authorities without delay, and subsequent investigations carried out as soon as is reasonably possible. The Health & Safety representative must be informed immediately of any such occurrence.

Any accidents that result in learners being absent from work for more than seven consecutive days or major injury will be reported to the HSE and an appropriate investigation will be carried out.

In the event of an accident resulting in injury a report will be drawn up by the Assessor/Staff detailing:

  • The circumstances of the accident including photographs and diagrams wherever possible
  • The nature and severity of the injury sustained
  • The identity and statements from any eyewitnesses
  • The time, date and location of the incident
  • The date of the report

All eyewitness accounts will be collected as near to the time of the accident as is reasonably practicable. Any person required to give an official statement has the right to have a lawyer or trade union representative present at the company’s expense.

The completed report will then be submitted to and analysed by the Health & Safety representative, who will attempt to discover why the accident occurred and what action should be taken to avoid a recurrence of the problem.

A follow up report will be completed after a reasonable period examining the effectiveness of any new measures adopted.


Named first aiders are listed in the First Aid area.

The location of First Aid facilities will be clearly identified in all ETC premises and will be available to all employees and learners during working hours.

The Director will ensure that sufficient staff are trained in First Aid techniques. Trained staff are responsible for ensuring that first aid supplies are regularly inspected and maintained.

A list of emergency telephone numbers to include doctors and hospitals will be available at each location.


All staff on induction are required to complete a risk assessments questionnaire for HR to assess the types of risk assessments needed i.e. Fire/Building, Driving, and WorkStation station. These are kept on file. The risk assessments are logged on a HR staff information spread sheet and updated yearly.


All learners’ placements are vetted and risk assessed by H&S competent assessors before learners are signed up a DCELLS H&S Code of Practice requirement. The data is kept on MAYTAS for our records and monitored and updated per Risk banding by ETC assessors (i.e. high risk every 3-month medium, risk every 6 month). The Vetting documents are kept on file.

All practical tasks are risk assessed at training centres before the learner is observed carrying out practical tasks by tutors. Risk assessments are kept in the learner’s practical folder. The documents are kept on the main server.

Working Environment

  1. Work sites must be kept clean and tidy.
  2. Any spillage must be cleaned up immediately.
  3. Waste materials and rubbish must be removed routinely.

Personal Protective Equipment

  1. Employees and learners must use all personal protective equipment provided to them in accordance with the training and instruction given to them regarding its use.
  2. Employees and learners who have been provided with personal protective equipment must immediately report any loss of or obvious defect in any equipment provided to their supervisor.

Manual Lifting and Moving

  1. Lifting and moving of objects should always be done by mechanical devices rather than manual handling wherever reasonably practicable. The equipment used should be appropriate for the task at hand.
  2. The load to be lifted or moved must be inspected for sharp edges, slivers and wet or greasy patches.
  3. When lifting or moving a load with sharp or splintered edges gloves must be worn. Gloves should be free from oil, grease or other agents which might impair grip.
  4. The route over which the load is to be lifted or moved should be inspected to ensure that it is free of obstructions or spillage which could cause tripping or spillage.
  5. Employees and learners should not attempt to lift or move a load which is too heavy to manage comfortably.
  6. Where team lifting or moving is necessary one person should act as co-ordinator, giving commands to lift, lower etc.
  7. When lifting an object off the ground employees and learners should assume a squatting position, keeping the back straight. The load should be lifted by straightening the knees, not the back. These steps should be reversed for lowering an object to the ground.