Internet, Email and Computer Policy

Last reviewed 25/6/2018

The use of computers, computer software, internet and email that is owned or provided by Everything Training Consultants Ltd (ETC) is to support the goals and objectives of the company.

ETC has a policy for the use of internet and email whereby employees must make sure that they;

  • Comply with current legislation
  • Use the internet in an acceptable way
  • Do not create unnecessary business risk to the company by the misuse of the internet.

Unacceptable behaviour

The following is regarded unacceptable use or behaviour by employees;

  • Using the computer to practice any kind of fraud or software, film or music piracy
  • Using the internet to send any offensive or harassing material to anyone
  • Downloading any illegal software or anything that could allow viruses to access the computer
  • Visiting internet sites that contain obscene, hateful, pornographic or otherwise illegal material
  • Publishing defamatory and/or knowingly false material about Outsource Training and Development, your colleagues, customers and/or learners on social networking sites, ‘blogs’ and on any other online publishing format
  • Use of the company communications systems to set up personal businesses or send chain letters


ETC  accepts that the use if the internet is a valuable business tool. However, the misuse of this facility can have a negative impact upon employee productivity and the reputation of the business.

Company computers

Employees provided with the use of a laptop or PC by ETC are done so solely for business use. Computers should not be used for personal music or photos. The company understands that programmes such as ‘itunes’ maybe required for business use but should not be used for personal use. The overloading of a computer with unnecessary files will cause it to slow down.


In circumstances where an employee has failed to comply with this policy, they will face the company’s disciplinary procedure. If a breach of the policy has occurred then they will face a disciplinary penalty ranging from a verbal warning to dismissal. The penalty given will depend on the seriousness of the breach of policy.


All company employees, freelance or temporary staff who have been granted the right to use the company’s internet access are required to sign this agreement confirming their understanding and acceptance of this policy.